Source code for

    Harpseal App
    Harpseal app, includes web server and harpseal daemon.
import asyncio
import aiohttp

from mongoengine import connect as mongo_connect

from harpseal.conf import Config
from harpseal.plugin import Plugin, PluginMixin
from harpseal.web import WebServer

__all__ = ['Harpseal']

[docs]class Harpseal(PluginMixin): """Harpseal daemon.""" def __init__(self, conf='config.json'): """Initialize harpseal daemon. :param config: configuration file path """ #: (:class:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop`) Base event-loop self.loop = None #: (:class:`harpseal.conf.Config`) Harpseal configuration self.config = Config(path=conf) #: (:class:`asyncio.Queue') Queue that saves plugin result to store data to mongodb self.queue = asyncio.Queue() #: (:class:`harpseal.web.WebServer`) Harpseal API server self.web = WebServer(self) #: (:class:`tuple`) Plugins self.plugins = tuple() #: (:class:`tuple`) Tasks (by plugins) self.tasks = tuple() Plugin._app = self conn_attrs = self.config['mongo'] for k, v in conn_attrs.items(): if k.startswith('_'): del conn_attrs[k] mongo_connect(**conn_attrs) @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def start(self, loop): """Start a web server and periodic task after register and execute plugins. :param loop: Base event-loop """ self.loop = loop self.register_plugins() self.run_plugins() self.web_task = asyncio.Task(self.web.execute()) done, *pending = yield from asyncio.wait([self.web_task, ]) future, = done assert pending yield from self.periodic_task()
[docs] def periodic_task(self): """Store a new mongo instance with given plugin data to mongodb when got a new result.""" while 1: plugin, result = yield from self.queue.get() for name in result.keys(): attrs = {} for key in result[name].keys(): attrs[key] = result[name].get(key) model = plugin.models[name]() model.add(**attrs)