Source code for harpseal.plugin

    Harpseal Plugin

import asyncio
import inspect
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from importlib import import_module

from harpseal.utils.commands import execute
from harpseal.classes import PeriodicTask, StrictDict
from harpseal.models import make_model

[docs]class Plugin(object): """Base plugin model Usage: .. code-block:: python import asyncio from harpseal.plugin import Plugin class YourPlugin(Plugin): name = '(required) your-plugin-name' description = '(required) plugin description here' priority = 0 # not yet implemented every = 1 # every 1 minute def init(self): # graph type definitions self.field_types['a'] = 'line' self.field_types['b'] = 'stack' self.field_types['c'] = 'full-stack' # field type definitions (`int` or `float`) self.fields['a'] = [('normal', int, ), ('abnormal', int, ), ] self.fields['b'] = [('normal', float, ), ('abnormal', float, ), ] self.fields['c'] = [('normal', float, ), ('abnormal', float, ), ] @asyncio.coroutine def provider(self): # data provider data = self.data_form() data['a'].set('normal', 100) data['a'].set('abnormal', 150) # ... return data """ #: Plugin name name = '' #: Plugin description description = '' #: Execution priority priority = 0 #: Plugin execution cycle (minutes) every = 1 _app = None def __init__(self): #: (:class:`dict`) Model definitions to be stored after executed `init` method self.models = {} #: (:class:`collections.defaultdict`) Model field definitions self.fields = defaultdict(lambda: []) #: (:class:`collections.defaultdict`) Model field type definitions (line, stack, full-stack, bar) self.field_types = defaultdict(lambda: 'line') # line, stack, full-stack, bar if hasattr(self, 'init'): self.init() for k, v in self.fields.items(): self.fields[k] = tuple(v) self.init_model() #: (:class:`datetime.datetime`) Last executed time self.last_executed_at = None #: (:class:`bool`) Last executed result self.last_executed_result = None
[docs] def init_model(self): for name, fields in self.fields.items(): modelname = '{}_{}'.format(, name) self.models[name] = make_model(modelname, fields)
[docs] def data_form(self): form = {} for name, fields in self.fields.items(): form[name] = StrictDict(fields) return form
[docs] def execute(self): """Execute plugin""" if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self.provider): raise TypeError("You must wrap the function with '@asyncio.coroutine' decorator.") self.last_executed_at = try: data = yield from self.provider() except: data = None self.last_executed_result = False else: self.last_executed_result = True if data is None: print("WARNING: The data is not passed from the .provider() function.") return (self, data, )
[docs] def call(self, command): """Execute a command on the event-loop and then return the result when finished.""" if Plugin._app is None: raise AssertionError("The property ._app is not assigned.") result = yield from execute(command) return result
[docs] def provider(self): """Plugin provider that returns a plugin's result, this method must be overridden.""" raise NotImplementedError(".provider() must be overridden.")
@property def properties(self): """Return the instance properties as a dict.""" if == '' or self.description == '': raise ValueError("You must set the variables for both .name and .description.") properties = { 'name':, 'description': self.description, 'priority': self.priority, 'every': self.every, } return properties
class _PluginMixin(object): @staticmethod def plugin_mixin_assert(func): """Check if the class was inherited and the inherited class has a tuple attribute that named .plugins.""" def decorator(self): if self.__class__.__name__ != 'Harpseal': raise AssertionError("This mixin class must be inherited from 'Harpseal' class.") if not hasattr(self, 'plugins') or not isinstance(self.plugins, tuple): raise TypeError("The .plugins attribute must be a tuple.") func(self) return decorator
[docs]class PluginMixin(_PluginMixin): """Mixin class for Plugin management.""" @_PluginMixin.plugin_mixin_assert
[docs] def register_plugins(self): """Register plugins.""" for name in self.config['plugins']: modname = 'harpseal.plugins.{}'.format(name) plugin = None try: plugin = import_module(modname) except ImportError: raise RuntimeWarning("Cannot load {} plugin due to import error.".format(modname)) else: _, cls = inspect.getmembers(plugin, lambda member: inspect.isclass(member) and \ member.__module__ == modname)[0] instance = cls() self.plugins += (instance, )
[docs] def run_plugins(self): """Start loaded plugins.""" for plugin in self.plugins: task = PeriodicTask(plugin=plugin, app=self) task.start() self.tasks += (task, )