Harpseal API ============ This page introduces you a way to access to your harpseal API server. 1. Check your settings ---------------------- You must check your settings before you can be assigned access right. (This file might be located in ``harpseal/config.json``) .. code-block:: json { "server": { "host": "", "port": "24680", "key": "", "allows": [ "" ] } } * **host** * ```` is normally the IP address assigned to be the "loopback" or local-only interface. ``localhost`` is the same as ````. — This can only communicate within the same host. * ```` means "listen on every available network interface", so with this can allow you communicate effectively with others. * **port** * This is a number of ways to communicate with application. * The default port is ``24680`` as shown above. * **key** * If you set this value, it will cause you to ask this key when you try to access to the API. * The **key** can be passed as a HTTP GET parameter ``key``. * The default value is not set. * **allows** * This list contains IPv4 addresses that belong to the subnet. For more details regarding subnets, refer to `Subnetwork `_. * If you want to allow to, just use the following subnet format: ````. 2. API Restrictions ------------------- * This API does not provide security in itself without the written authorization by the above, therefore please be aware off security issues. * If you want to get the raw values, don't use API then access MongoDB directly instead. * The default data look up period is 7 days, you can change this with parameters. 3. Getting access to the API ---------------------------- .. warning:: The requests may carry substantial cost implications when you request a large amount of data. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ * Compare with **creation time** that expresses when the data has been added. * ``gte``: greater than or equal to * ``lte``: less than or equal to * format: `YYYY-mm-dd`, `YYYY-mm-dd HH`, `YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM`, `YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS` or `unix timestamp` (10-digit or 13-digit) Common Response Format ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "ok": true } The **ok** value means that whether the request was successful or failure, this value will vary for each request. 1. Get plugin list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Request: **GET** ``/plugins/list`` Response: .. code-block:: json { "plugin name": { "description": "plugin description", "every": "plugin execution cycle in integer", "lastExecutedResult": "last executed result in boolean", "lastExecutedAt": "last executed time in unix time" } } 2. Get plugin logs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Request: **GET** ``/plugins/`` Response: .. code-block:: json { "name": "plugin name", "description": "plugin description", "every": "plugin execution cycle in integer", "data": { "field": { "type": "graph type to draw (line, stack, full-stack, bar)", "legends": [ "created", "field1", "field2" ], "data": [ ["unixtime", "field1 value in integer or float", "field2 value in integer or float"], ["unixtime", "field1 value in integer or float", "field2 value in integer or float"], ["unixtime", "field1 value in integer or float", "field2 value in integer or float"] ] } } } 3. Get all plugin logs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Request: **GET** ``/plugins/all`` Response: .. code-block:: json { "data": { "plugin-name": { "description": "plugin description", "every": "plugin execution cycle in integer", "lastExecutedResult": "last executed result in boolean", "lastExecutedAt": "last executed time in unix time", "data": { "field": { "type": "graph type to draw (line, stack, full-stack, bar)", "legends": [ "created", "field1", "field2" ], "data": [ ["unixtime", "field1 value in integer or float", "field2 value in integer or float"], ["unixtime", "field1 value in integer or float", "field2 value in integer or float"], ["unixtime", "field1 value in integer or float", "field2 value in integer or float"] ] } } } } } 4. WebSocket Support -------------------- You can use websocket methods by accessing the url ``/``. The request format is as follows: .. code-block:: json { "request": "handler-name", "params": {} } * The **handler-name** means the method name of :class:`harpseal.web.handler.Handler` which contains ``_handler`` in its name. * Params can contain HTTP parameters which are obtained as above such as ``key`` or ``gte``. * If you want to pass the *name* of the plugin, you'll have to add ``name`` into your JSON to be able to identify plugin.